Total Motion Release: What is it?

Total Motion Release (TMR) is a method of self-evaluation and treatment for our major (or minor) body imbalances. Dr. Everson has had extensive training in TMR with the founder, Tom Dalonzo-Baker, PT.

TMR is an easy to learn method of assessing the imbalances between the right and left sides of your body; doing exercises to reduce/eliminate the imbalances; and very commonly having less pain and improved function as the bottom-line result. There is a ton of great information and videos from Tom at Check them out, and set an appointment with Dr. Everson if you want to learn this great approach to self-care.

Exercise is virtually always a critical component of physical therapy. There are many different and helpful approaches to do exercise. The difference with TMR is that you can quickly assess your actual imbalances in real time and do something about it in minutes.


Align Conference 2019